702ci Burnout Monster In The Build - Pete Grmusa Coming Out Of Retirement?

When it comes to burnout legends the name Pete Grmusa gets thrown in the ring. Few people on the planet love burnouts as much as Pete. He’s done and won it all. How about this for some iconic burnout numberplates - EVILXA, NORISK, and ATRISK.

Rewind back to Red CentreNATS 09 September this year and ATRISK had an issue right after pro burnout qualifying. Turns out that a few dropped valve seats later the car wasn’t able to show up for finals on Sunday.

Following this, Pete thought long and hard about what to do - he shocked us all by announcing that after 2x Summernats Burnout Championship wins and 1x Burnout Masters win, plus many other wins at events around the country, he was hanging up his injector hat and calling it a day. Insert crying face memes here.

Social media was flooded with words of praise for Pete - it wouldn’t take long in a burnout crowd to find fans of ATRISK - in the last two years the car has performed all over the country, smashing instant smoke in the face of anyone who dared to witness its 702ci of fury.

Fast forward 3-4 months and JBens (me, lol) heard a few whispers and decided to visit Pete to see what was going on. All we can say is there’s something cooking with NORISK (Pete’s XA Falcon) and he might have something to tell us, too. You’ll have to watch the video below to find out more. And spread the word once you find out because HOW GOOD.


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